California Roadshow Updates

By now you may have heard that, due to unexpected scheduling issues, there have been some cancellations and scheduling changes to the Cali Bamboozle Roadshow dates. If you purchased your tickets for any of these dates through The Hustler Club pre-sale, you can expect an email with further details. We are still working on figuring out how this will effect those of you who purchased the Damned or Ping Pong Party Bundles and the elements included in those bundles.

The June 6th San Diego date, originally set for Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre, has been cancelled. Refunds are available at point of purchase.

The Los Angeles date, originally set for The Theatre at Honda Center on Friday, June 4th, will now take place at the Hollywood Palladium on Sunday, June 6th. All Honda Center tickets will be honored at the Palladium.  Refunds are also available at point of purchase.

The June 5th Concord date, originally set for Sleep Train Pavilion at Concord, has been cancelled. Tickets will now be refunded at point-of-purchase.

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