Lyon, Milan and Tilburg Meet & Greet Signup

Signup for Meet & Greet for the following dates ONLY will begin at 9:00pm CEST on May 30th! No signups will be accepted before that. You will have until 9:00pm CEST on June 1st to complete the signup form.

If you already have a ticket to attend these shows, complete the signup form between 9:00pm CEST on May 30th and 9:00pm CEST on June 1st. There will be no guests permitted. Each Hustler must sign up for themselves. If a guardian is needed to escort, you must note that on your signup. Just please make sure to complete the form before 9:00pm CEST on Saturday.

06.03.13 Salle du Kao Lyon, France
06.07.13 Factory Area 1 Milan, Italy
07.05.13 013 Tilburg, Netherlands

Meet & Greet Details:
Access to M&G is exclusively for active members of The Hustler Club. Parents are the ONLY exception, should they need to escort you. There are a limited number of spots available.

If you are attending the show with other members of The Hustler Club, you may note those members in the guests section of the form. This does not mean we're allowing guests, we're simply letting you let us know which Hustlers (if any) you are going with. All Hustler accounts will need to be active at the time of the show in order to participate in these perks.

We will post names to Events and send instructions once these lists are finalized. Please note that we are not able to offer Hustler Meet & Greets on any of the Festival dates or on the Green Day support dates, only the headline dates noted above.

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