This Week's Hustler ABCs: Halloween Edition
This is Halloween, This is Halloween! I've been sitting here all day trying
to come up with tricks and treats to scatter across The Hustler Club.
Little did I know, one of the ultimate treats is already right there in the
forums for all of us to find…
a) Log into The Hustler Club and go to this forum thread to find a message
to all of you from the one, our only, Matt Flyzik…
Probably want to grab some tissues first.
b) UK Hustlers- ok your news comes tomorrow. Can't share that treat today
but you may want to keep Saturday morning free of plans. Log into The
Hustler Club News page tomorrow for more.
c) Over the next week, we're going to be doing some maintenance and
development on the site. There may be some downtime but we'll try to keep
it to a minimum. You may notice a few feature changes but again, trying to
keep them to a minimum. The place where you'll see the most significant
change is in the checkout/renewal process and your member page (where you
manage all of your account info). Once the updates are done, please feel
free to share your feedback. After all, this is about creating a better
experience for you. And, of course, if you have questions along the way,
just ask.
Happy Halloween you beautiful misfits!
Dawn (aka THC Admin)
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