Upcoming EU/UK Festivals and Headline Dates

Hustlers of the EU and the UK-

You have been anxiously (though pretty patiently, thank you) awaiting news regarding meet & greets. Here it is...

On the headline dates which include 6/15 Copenhagen, 6/22 Lyon, 7/02 Dortmund, 7/04 Frankfurt, and 7/05 Saarbrücken- there will be Hustler Meet & Greets and Early Entry offered. Please stay tuned for signups!

On the festival dates, we will not be able to schedule any Meet & Greets. Festivals just don't allow us the control over the day's events and quite simply, most festivals won't allow them. This does not mean that we won't try to put something together last minute so if you are attending any of the festival dates, please make sure to follow @ATLHustlerClub just in case an opportunity should arise last minute. Definitely no promises though.

Again, if you have tickets to attend any one of the headline dates, please stay tuned for info on signups.


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